gluecklich meinte am 16. Feb, 09:23:
zacki zacki...
...frau glücklich war auch dort um sich ein bisschen pudern zu lassen. wenn ich nicht wüsste, das es gelogen ist würd ich mich jetzt richtig gut fühlen ;o)

Review of <>

"I just saw <>. The HTML is classy. The URL has 29 characters. Not too long, or too small. Wonderful. It must have taken many years to finish the page.
Yes, I expected the creator to work within these quality standards. The color scheme is very fitting. Also good: <> put up a link to this page.
Seeing <>, I'm simply full of respect. The page contains 80 links, a well-calculated amount. If only the Opera Homepage would have a superb page like that. There are 17,161 characters in the document, which is a high-quality length for Mozilla. What a superb page! Very, very good. With this page, a new genre of its own has been created."
-- Will Johnson, Daily URL 
neuro antwortete am 16. Feb, 10:38:
so ganz gelogen ist das auch nicht :-) 



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