
In 1972 (the year you were born)

Richard Nixon is president of the US

President Nixon approves NASA's space shuttle, a reusable spacecraft, at a cost of $5.5 billion

Nixon arrives in China for an 8 day visit, which he calls a "journey for peace"

While campaigning for the presidency Alabama Governor George C. Wallace is shot and seriously wounded

Five men are arrested in the Watergate office complex in DC for breaking into the offices of the Democratic National Committee

Hurricane Agnes strikes the East Coast causing 117 deaths

First scientific hand-held calculator (HP-35) os introduced for $395

Shaquille O'Neal, Jennifer Garner, The Rock, The Notorious B.I.G., Cameron Diaz, Eminem, and Alyssa Milano are born

Oakland Athletics win the World Series

Dallas Cowboys win Superbowl VI

Boston Bruins win the Stanley Cup

The Godfather is the top grossing film

Pink Floyd debuts "The Dark Side of the Moon" during a performance at London's Rainbow Theater

"You've Got a Friend"by Carole King wins a Grammy for song of the year

The Price is Right premieres on CBS

What Happened the Year You Were Born?

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eria meinte am 24. Nov, 11:41:
... rätsel... wann bin ich geboren? <g>
Gerald Ford becomes president of the US

Hank Aaron hits his 715th home run to beat Babe Ruth's record

Impeachment hearings are opened against President Nixon by the House Judiciary Committee

President Nixon resigns

President Gerald Ford issues an unconditional pardon to ex-President Nixon for all federal crimes

Muhammad Ali knocks out George Foreman in the eighth round to regain the heavyweight crown in Zaire

Heiress Patty Hearst is kidnapped by and eventually joins the Symbionese Liberation Army

Dungeons & Dragons officially released

People magazine is published for the first time

Kate Moss, Alyson Hannigan, Penelope Cruz, Alanis Morissette, Leonardo DiCaprio, and Ryan Seacrest are born

Oakland Athletics win the World Series

Miami Dolphins win Superbowl VIII

Philadelphia Flyers win the Stanley Cup

Blazing Saddles is the top grossing film

All the President's Men by Bernstein and Woodward is published

"Killing Me Softly With His Song" wins Grammy for song of the year 
Bambi antwortete am 24. Nov, 11:43:
neuro antwortete am 24. Nov, 11:44:
Kate Moss ich nehm an kate moss ist jünger als ich, also ich schätze du bist 1975 geboren 
neuro antwortete am 24. Nov, 11:44:
tse, geht auch ohne schummeln? 
Bambi antwortete am 24. Nov, 11:46:
Neuro, wieso schummeln ?
Da haben die Miami Dolphins den Superbowl VIII gewonnen - ich kann mich genau erinnern. Schlisslich war ich damals schon gross. Naja, jedenfalls nicht mehr ganz klein. 
neuro antwortete am 24. Nov, 11:48:
lol bambi
okeh, gewonnen, ich war nur etwas neidisch.

ich finde auch super dass in meinem geburtsjahr die Dallas Cowboys win Superbowl VI

eria antwortete am 24. Nov, 15:29:
alt ist alt ist alt.... 74 war natürlich richtig... killing me softly... 
