-w. meinte am 8. Mai, 14:19:
dear mr. beckham
(i'm sure you're reading here every day first thing in the morning)

may i suggest the following strategy which has been introduced to me by one of germany's leading gynecologists many years ago?

it's both easy and tough and of course, it doesn't offer any kind of guaranty to actually assure the desired outcome.

it's easy because all you have to do is: reduce stress. it's tough on the other hand because obviously, you're a very busy man and carry a lot of responsibilities (which you do in a most admirable way if i may say so).

the evolutionary background is that in times of heightened stress levels in a given population (eg wars, scarce ressources etc.), chances for survival seem to be meaningfully higher for groups with a higher male reproduction rate. on the other hand, if the environment is such that outside danger is diminished, relatively more female offspring gives such groups an advantage. put another way: we both know that women are the salt of the earth, don't we?

so, i would say, get that cup next month, then help yourself to some more fat advertising deals and then: retire. take vic and your boys, buy yourself an island somewhere in the caribbean (preferrably somewhere where no rock stars are flying low under the palm trees), and then go for it.

never mind if it doesn't work out the first time. remember, you have all the time in the world, no need to get stressed. because that would be counter-productive, indeed.

yours sincerely,

the -w.
(you can call me dubbya, that's ok with me)

ps: by the way, i have proof that it works. but unfortunately, i'm not available for personal instructions. i'm certain you wouldn't need them anyway. 
dus antwortete am 8. Mai, 14:24:
kann der lesen?
hat er das gelernt?
weiss mans?
ich hab schon angefangen mal mit seinem buch.
aber ich kam nicht soweit. 
neuro antwortete am 8. Mai, 14:25:
ich würde was sagen was ich leider nich hier darf
aber ein dickes <3 von mir and dich! 
neuro antwortete am 8. Mai, 14:25:
google translator ( benutzen die leute in spanien oft) ( weiss das zufällig aus eigener erfahrung) 
dus antwortete am 8. Mai, 14:26:
wenn er net lesen kann bringt ihm der translator auch nix!
neuro antwortete am 8. Mai, 14:29:
aber sie ist das, die nich lesen kann.. 
neuro antwortete am 8. Mai, 14:33:
you can call me dubbya

dus antwortete am 8. Mai, 14:34:
sie kann scientolgy bücher lesen.
das reicht schon.
ARGHM und ich glaube er kann garnicht lesen.
und kein mathe

//dave in die pfanne hau 
neuro antwortete am 8. Mai, 14:37:
er kann lesen. also tsts hallo? hallloooooooooooo tante-i gesicht
david= gut
victoria= weniger, aber wir verstehen und mögen sie auch 
-w. antwortete am 8. Mai, 15:13:
dubbya, sowie in george w.
(but no bush for me, thank you very much)
[edi: aber das ist eine gaanz andere geschichte und ein gaanz andres thema] 
neuro antwortete am 8. Mai, 16:09:
ich vermute becks wird sie genüge würdigen.. 



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