abt. for the loosening
oder was war same time same ort last year
I am to time too much contently and too much lucky that am much verdächtig. such am entitled am badly for as more agnostiker despite the all positive feelings, as me that can eh nich for a long time last I catch to think already on, how one was entitled to these mA becomes loose, before IT becomes loose me, from alone. there haett I at least to say can: I do not have won however somehow go that one can sowas nich select itself.
one can do itself also none is entitled forces upon those to come and take over makes, generic terms you fits or not. there one has as humans nix to say has with the bio photons to possibly do and lichstrahlung.
is one thus really lucky if one is lucky? or can luck be increased can one become luckier, if one is already lucky? dunno. which is then with those are luckiest? are really lucky from whole luck or wirds langweilig.hm.
perhaps ess I too much chocolate.
darauf ne sehr entellegnd klingendes wortaustausch (word-exchange)
good tomorrow.
times, be, the more can they do say SE me dissen that the more means that they like one one?
I wish them thus a beautiful day.
penny wine answered
gibts waffeln
don D
neuro answered
tomorrow penny
well the airplane heut already seen????
penny wine
I kuck not because all kucken
kritzekratzebilder (kritzekratzpictures) von heute hab ich nicht, dafür kühlschrankcheck (iceboxcheck), der ostern-einkauf steht vor, muss ma ein bißschen platz machen.

I am to time too much contently and too much lucky that am much verdächtig. such am entitled am badly for as more agnostiker despite the all positive feelings, as me that can eh nich for a long time last I catch to think already on, how one was entitled to these mA becomes loose, before IT becomes loose me, from alone. there haett I at least to say can: I do not have won however somehow go that one can sowas nich select itself.
one can do itself also none is entitled forces upon those to come and take over makes, generic terms you fits or not. there one has as humans nix to say has with the bio photons to possibly do and lichstrahlung.
is one thus really lucky if one is lucky? or can luck be increased can one become luckier, if one is already lucky? dunno. which is then with those are luckiest? are really lucky from whole luck or wirds langweilig.hm.
perhaps ess I too much chocolate.
darauf ne sehr entellegnd klingendes wortaustausch (word-exchange)
good tomorrow.
times, be, the more can they do say SE me dissen that the more means that they like one one?
I wish them thus a beautiful day.
penny wine answered
gibts waffeln
don D
neuro answered
tomorrow penny
well the airplane heut already seen????
penny wine
I kuck not because all kucken
kritzekratzebilder (kritzekratzpictures) von heute hab ich nicht, dafür kühlschrankcheck (iceboxcheck), der ostern-einkauf steht vor, muss ma ein bißschen platz machen.

neuro - 12. Apr, 11:50